TCP/IP Access Granted Marco Neumann

Information Science Research \ Marco Neumann
A Semantic Web Reasoner for the Java platform
Social Networks
Search and Evaluate your Online Social Network with SwiftNets
RDF based Content Management System
Location based RDF processing
RDF API and SPARQL 1.1 Engine
Marco Neumann
Marco Neumann
©2000-05 MIKS FU Berlin.


Marco Neumann

FOAF marco . neumann AT gmail . com

My professional interests touch on Distributed Information Syndication and Contexts for the Semantic Web, dynamic schema evolution in structured data, information visualisation, ontology based knowledge management, reputation based ranking in collaborative online communities, and last but not least the Semantic GeoSpatial Web. Since 2005 I have had the opportunity to apply and implement my research in large-scale information management projects in international cultural heritage institutions and the private sector.

Professional Work

I had the pleasure to work in the Semantic Web Cluster of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) on metadata management and query answering in distributed databases. DERI was an outstanding Semantic Web research cluster based at NUI Galway and operated in collaboration with Hewlett-Packard, DERI Seoul and Stanford University, Science Foundation and Enterprise Ireland.

From 2001 to 2004 I worked as Senior Researcher for an Enterprise Ireland [link] Informatics Research Initiative project: "Location Based Services (LBS) for distributed web-based cultural heritage data". Besides the overall design and implementation of a LBS prototype, I investigated new spatiotemporal data models and made contributions to the emerging Semantic GeoSpatial Web.

From 1995 to 1999 I carried out research and development in the field of interactive multimedia web-based training for European higher education - Information Society Technologies (IST) - E-Learning project in the ZDM [Computer Science Institute, Freie Universität Berlin]. Project Code: European Commission Telematics Application Programme DGXIII C/E Project EuroMET (Budget ECU 2.841 Mio.) — In 1995 the project was one of the first research initiatives to successfully apply dynamic XML taxonomy generation and maintenance for content management in web-based environments and is Winner of the European Academic Software Award 1998.

In the years 1993-1995 I acquired certificates in Information Visualisation, GIS and Digital Cartography, Prof Dr Freitag (Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics Professor).

In addition, I worked on academic and commercial multimedia productions, e.g. [Terra3D] very large database visualisation of complex weather systems (Société Européenne des Satellites) for the World's Fair EXPO2000 in Hannover. Furthermore in production for BMW [BMW AG], and software presentation for MAN [MAN AG] and German Aerospace Center [DLR]

Web Portal Development: eGovernment, Socially Integrative City, CITY 2030 for the German Institute of Urban Affairs (DIFU) and JUNGLE-EUROPA.DE, a Community Web Portal to support the integration of youth in Europe, directed by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Integration at the [Freie Universität Berlin].

In 2000 I designed dynamic interactive museum presentations for the multimedia exhibition "Vortices in Nature" [Natural History Museum Berlin]

From January 1997 I worked as Head of Web Development and Systems Architect for the German Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Web Portal of the "National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Centre" [NRZ] Database.

In November 1998 I initiated (under the supervision of Christian Zick) the planning and realisation of online live streaming of University Lectures, the opening lecture was held by Umberto Eco. The development is part of a distance-learning environment with real-time and on-demand online digital video at the Freie Universität Berlin.

Academic background

Postgraduate Research

"Context-Aware Information Discovery in Distributed Metadata Environments". PhD research Dublin Ireland (Dr MacDonaíll) & Department of Computer Science University of London (Prof Murtagh). 25 August 2006

Successful internal DIT review of PhD dissertation in January 2006.

Successful transfer from M.Phil to the PhD register (Transfer title: "Context-Aware Semantic Web based knowledge discovery in media rich environments") January 2004. Participants Dr MacDonaill, Transfer Examiner Prof Fionn Murtagh and Chairperson Prof Bing Wu.

Masters Thesis 2001, Computer Graphics Algorithm Development [Freie Universität Berlin]
Prof Dr Gernot Wersig [Freie Universität Berlin]
Prof Dr Völz [TU Berlin]

Undergraduate Education

Information Science / Computer Science [Freie Universität Berlin]
Prof Gernot Wersig
History of Science and Technology [TU Berlin]
Prof König, Prof Dr Schütt and Prof Dr Günter Abel
Sociology [Freie Universität Berlin]
Dr Fritjof Hager and Prof Dr Dietmar Kamper


Marco Neumann, Ina O'Murchu, John Breslin, Stefan Decker, Deirdre Hogan, Ciarán MacDonaíll: "Semantic Social-Network Portal for Enterprise Online Communities". Journal of European Industrial Training. Volume 29 Number 6 2005 pp. 472-487

Marco Neumann, Ciarán MacDonaíll, John Breslin, Ina O' Murchu, Stefan Decker and Eamonn McQuade: Sneachta and the PUII-The Semantic Social Network Portal. 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2004/Poster Track). Hiroshima, Japan. November 2004

Marco Neumann, Deirdre Hogan, Carol Reinsford, Stefan Decker, Ciarán MacDonaíll: A University Online Portal for Enterprise Learning Communities. UFHRD/ AHRD 5th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, University of Limerick; May 2004

Marco Neumann et al: "Wireless spatio-semantic transactions on multimedia datasets". ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Mobile Computing and Applications Track. Nicosia, Cyprus. 2004.

Marco Neumann: "Spatially Navigating the Semantic Web for User Adapted Presentations of Cultural Heritage Information in Mobile Environments". SWDB'03. The First International Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases. co. VLDB Berlin 2003.

Marco Neumann et al: "An Environment for Mobile Context-Based Hypermedia Retrieval". International Workshop on Presenting and Exploring Heritage on the Web - PEH'02. In: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA2002), IEEE CS Press, Aix en Provence, France, September 2002. ISBN 0-7695-1668-8.

Neumann, Marco: "Computer Graphics Algorithm Development For Film Production." 2001. Master's Thesis Freie Universität Berlin [Prof Völz] / [Prof Gernot Wersig].

Christian Zick, Marco Neumann: "EuroMET Europa lehrt und lernt Meteorologie im Internet". Schaufenster der Wissenschaft "forum mediale". (ScienceFair 99). Berlin 1999

Technical Reports (unpublished)

Marco Neumann TR-GS-11102007 - Large-Scale Distributed Search for Cultural Heritage Collections. Die Herbstagung der Fachgruppe Dokumentation des Deutschen Museumsbund. Konrad Zuse Insitut in Berlin, October 2007

Marco Neumann TR-GS-12012006 - RDF mappings on Spatial Graph Database - Evaluation. December 2006

Marco Neumann TR-DoITT-01022006 - SPARQL support in Swift. February 2006

Marco Neumann: TR-DERI-28062005 - Spatial Predicates for Semantic Web Metadata. June 2005

Marco Neumann: TR-DMC-14082003 - Requirements for Future Mobile Cultural Heritage Applications. August 2003

Marco Neumann: TR-DMC-01012003 - The Semantic Geo-Spatial Web. Applications to Cultural Heritage. January 2003

Marco Neumann: TR-PHD-01062002 - Automatic Vectorization of Digital Imagery for 3D Reconstruction. June 2002

Marco Neumann: TR-PHD-07032002 - Dynamic XML Processing on the Web. March 2002

Marco Neumann: TR-ZEAM-03021998 - XML für die Darstellung von Binomialbäumen. 1998


Chair, Advisor and Reviewer for Conferences

Reviewer for 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2004). Demo Track. Hiroshima, Japan

Poster Reviewer for the 2nd European Semantic Web Conference 2005 Crete, Greece

Chair CIDOC CRM and the Semantic Web Workshop at the Smithsonian Institute Washington, DC 2009

Member of Program Committee for Semantic Web In Use Track of 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2009) Washington, DC 2009

SemTech Program Advisory Committee (PAC) 2011

Program Chair Semantic Web Media Summit 2011 New York City

Chair 10th International Semantic Web Conference 2011 Industry Track

ESWC 2012 Programme Committee Member

SemTechBiz San Francisco Program Advisory Committee (PAC) 2013

ISWC 2013 Workshop Chair Syndey Australia

ESWC 2014 WASABI Workshop Chair Crete, Greece

SEMANTiCS 2014 Chair Industry Track - Leipzig, Germany

ISWC 2014 Programme Committee Member, Industry Track. Riva del Garda - Trentino, Italy

WASABI SI EKAW 2014 Organizaing Committee Member. Linköping, Sweden

WASABI ESWC 2015 Workshop Chair. Portoroz Slovenia.

Developers Workshop ESWC 2015 Program Committee Member. Portoroz Slovenia.

ISWC 2015 Industry Track Program Committee Member. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

ISWC 2015 Developers Workshop Program Committee Member. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

ISWC 2015 WASABI2015 West Workshop Program Committee Member. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

SCG2021 First workshop on Squaring the circle on graphs. Program Committee Member. SEMANTICS 2021 EU. 6-9 Sep 2021 (Amsterdam)

Geospatial Track COMMUNITY OVER CODE. The ASF Conference. Program Committee Member. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. October 2023


Managing Your Online Social Graph with TopBraid Composer. Building Semantic Web Meetup communities with RDF, SPARQL, Semantic Social Networks and GeoSPARQL. How to manage events, location, rsvps and security. Marco Neumann KONA. TopBraid User Group Meeting 2009 at the Semantic Technology Conference San Francisco, CA, USA. 2009

The Semantic Museum - Cultural and Natural Heritage Management on the Semantic Web. Federated data access with RDF and SPARQL. Marco Neumann KONA. 2009 Semantic Technology Conference San Francisco, CA, USA. 2009

Semantic Social Networks – Ontology. Marco Neumann KONA and Breck Baldwin Alias-i Inc. 2010 Semantic Technology Conference San Francisco, CA, USA. 2010

Automatic URI Matching. Marco Neumann KONA and Breck Baldwin Alias-i Inc. Jena User Group Meeting at SemTech 2010. San Francisco, CA, USA. 2010

Jena Spatial, GeoSparql and the GeoSpatial Semantic Web. Marco Neumann. Lotico CSW - The Berlin Semantic Web Meetup. TU Berlin. 2014

Apache Jena GeoSPARQL. Marco Neumann. Jena Track. ApacheCon 2020

GeoSPARQL. Marco Neumann. Spatial Track. ApacheCon 2021

Linked Geo Data 101. Marco Neumann. FOSS4G. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2021


2005 Supervisor for Masters Thesis in Dynamic Web Applications, Dublin IT

2005 Assistant Supervisor for 4-year undergraduate Computer Science Thesis, Dublin IT

2004-2005: Internet Technologies and Database Driven Web Applications MA, Dublin IT

1997-1998: Computer Graphics: 3D Visualisation and Computer Graphics: 3D Reconstruction from paintings, Free University Berlin

1996-1997: Multimedia and the Internet. Development of Interactive TCP/IP enabled Applications. Free University Berlin

1994: VR - Interactive 3D modelling with VRML. ZEAM Forum. Free University Berlin

Member & Training

Professional Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Protege OWL Short Course 2007 - Stanford University, CA 94305-5479
TopQuadrant - Semantic Technology Training 2007, Alexandria VA
TopQuadrant - TopBraid Composer Training 2008, Mountain View CA
Cyc 101: Semantic Modeling and Reasoning using Cyc - 2009, Cycorp Austin, TX 78731
Cyc 201: Advanced Topics in Ontology Development and Efficient Inference - 2009, Cycorp Austin, TX 78731

W3C Invited Expert

Organizer of Lotico and the New York Semantic Web Meetup

